Metallic Logo Megapack for FM 2012 The pack now has 26,000+ Club logos, 1000+ Competition logos, all Nations, Continents and Flags and will be updated on a regular basis to keep it as up to date as possible. Now if you're new to these logos and have never tried them before, you just need to download the Torrent file and follow the instruction. Download Links FM12 Metallic Logo Torrent How to install fm 2012 logo pack Simply extract the zip file to your Documents\Sports Interactive folder and, having unticked your skin cache checkbox, reload your skin - it really is that easy. All you are downloading are the Logos, Flags and other Metallic logo associated files so dont worry about anything else being overwritten. Cut and paste the extracted folder to : Win Vista/Windows 7 : C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2012\graphics\ Win 2000/XP : C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Mana...
John Jensen...